Variables, Data Types, Immutability and User Input with Kotlin

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Hi and welcome to our second coding lesson.

In this lesson we will learn about Variables, Data Types, Immutability, and how to get User Input into our Application.

Here is the video to follow along:





fun main() {
    println("Hello Variables!")

    //Values are only assignable once, Variables can be re-assigned

    //Variables and DataTypes
    //different types in Kotlin

    val myNumber = 12
    val myLongNumber = 12L
    //Floating Numbers
    val myFloatingDouble = 12.34
    val myFloat = 12.34f

    val divisionResult = 6/4 //will store a 1
    val divisionResultDouble = 6/4.toDouble() //will store 1.5

    val myCharacter = 'M'
    val myString = "My Name is Marcus"

    //Boolean (True or False), think about it as yes or no
    val willWeLearnKotlin = true

    val firstName = "Marcus"
    val lastName = "Eisele"
    var myAgeYears = 33

    println("Hello $firstName $lastName! You are $myAgeYears years old. You will learn Kotlin today: $willWeLearnKotlin")

    myAgeYears = 34

    println("Hello $firstName! Happy Birthday! You are now $myAgeYears old")

    println("Hey you! Please insert your own name:")
    val ownName = readLine()
    println("Hi $ownName!")

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