My name is Marcus Eisele.
For as long as I can remember I have been surrounded by people getting into the World of Software Development.
I, for myself, started this journey long ago. I wasted spent my youth playing and making video games.
During my apprenticeship as a Software Developer, I started to develop professional software and websites. This was in 2006. In 2010, I started my studies on becoming a Master of Science in Software Engineering. No matter what changed over the years, there was one constant: I was surrounded by people who were there learning with me how to develop software.
I look back to more than 15 years of experience in learning. If you want to get into Software Development today, you don’t want to reap your rewards 15 years down the road. Let me help you to take some shortcuts.
Truth be told: Software Development is a discipline which never gets old. You can learn something new every day, even 10 years down the road. This website is for people who are either at the very beginning of their journey and for people further down the road that want to improve their craft. I am sure this page offers valuable insights for people at every stage.
Why am I doing this? I think the Latin proverb Docendo discimus
- by teaching, we learn.
frames it in the best possible way.
And to be honest, more often than I can remember I also learned a thing or two 😉.
If you struggle with any problem, please let me know. I am always on the hunt to hear from all of you. No matter if you have a problem at hand or have an interesting topic you want to discuss. The easiest ways to get in touch are to follow me on Twitter, drop me a Mail, or use the contact form.